Sydney Tantra

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Tantra For The Instant-Gratification Generation

“Tantra is a way of making love that is slow, intimate and meditative. It teaches awareness and presence within your own body and in turn, shows you how to connect more profoundly with your lover.

Tantric sex is deeper than just the physical experience of conventional sex. It is ultimately about cultivating sexual energy in a conscious and loving way for spiritual enlightenment”

A couple of months I had the opportunity to share my passion about Tantra with Megan Loneragan, CEO of “youtime “, a platform who connects people passionate about personal development.

We talked about Tantra in the context that we live in today, where instant gratification is the “new normal” and is negatively affecting our sexual lives.

I spoke about how Tantra can help to bring back a deeper and more meaningful connection with yourself and your partner.

The conversation was truly amazing and I got to answer some interesting questions such as “Why would you say it’s so intimidating for people and couples to explore this approach to sex?”, “What about the people who come to you for tantric lessons or advice? What outcome would you say they’re after (since tantra is all about being *not* about the outcome)?”, “Would you say practising tantra benefits your life outside of the bedroom also? ”

Curious to know more details about the interview?

Click on the link below and find out more!